和新加坡朋友在一起 800字
文章摘要:高二叙事作文:怎么写好和新加坡朋友在一起800字作文?和新加坡朋友在一起蔡楚琦开学初,迎来了两个我盼望已久的新加坡朋友,一个叫Aye Aye Mon,一个叫洪玮娴。Aye Aye Mon是个高个子的文静女孩,她唱的歌如同天籁之音,而且还很幽默。她比洪玮娴能说会道,中文说得十分不错。她知道许多知识,只是有些优柔寡断。以下是马若秋写的《和新加坡朋友在一起》范文;
- 作者:马若秋
- 班级:高中高二
- 字数:800字作文
- 体裁:叙事
- 段落:分3段叙写
- 更新:2023年02月02日 10时51分
和新加坡朋友在一起蔡楚琦开学初,迎来了两个我盼望已久的新加坡朋友,一个叫Aye Aye Mon,一个叫洪玮娴。Aye Aye Mon是个高个子的文静女孩,她唱的歌如同天籁之音,而且还很幽默。她比洪玮娴能说会道,中文说得十分不错。她知道许多知识,只是有些优柔寡断。Aye Aye Mon有个小妹妹,使她十分有责任心。对洪玮娴常常非常宽容、谦让和体谅。Aye Aye Mon心灵手巧,似乎整理衣物是a piece of cake。快乐的她还时常和我们开玩笑,他们的房间常常传出爽朗的笑声。Aye Aye Mon的学习习惯也十分让人敬佩。总而言之,她是一个完美的女生。洪玮娴是一个相对比较矮一点的可爱女生。她也比较胆小。玮娴是一个害羞的小女生,但有时却很自信。第一天来我家的时候,她没怎么说话,我还以为她不怎么会说中文呢!正相反,有一次音乐联欢会的时候,还唱了一首中文歌。虽然声音轻了点,却给人带来了欢乐。她有时也像洋娃娃,会撒娇一下,十分可爱。洪玮娴,一个漂亮、可爱、害羞的小女孩。她们也给我们家增添了不少欢乐。有一次,我们在一起飞飞镖。我来当裁判。当我摇着铃铛大报得分时,她们一会儿欢呼雀跃,一会儿沉默
Ang Wei XianAt the start of the term, there came two Singapore friends I’ve been longing for a long time. One of them is Aye Aye Mon, and the other is Ang Wei Xian.Aye Aye Mon is a tall and quiet girl. When she sings she sounds like an angel, and she is pretty humorous. She talks more than Wei Xian, and she speaks very good Chinese. She is knowledgeable, and is a little indecisive. She has a younger sister, so she’s very responsible. She’s often very magnanimous, lenient and understanding towards Wei Xian. Aye Aye Mon is capable, and she handles things as if they were a piece of cake. That happy girl often jokes with us too. Hearty laughter is often heard from their room. Aye Aye Mon’s studying habits are admirable. Anyway, she is a perfect girl!Wei Xian is a short and cute little girl. She is more timid. She is a shy firl, but she is confident sometimes. The first time she came to our houses, she did not talk much. I thought she did not know much Chinese. But during the musical concert, although her voice is soft, she sang a song. She brought happiness to everyone. At times, she might look like a doll and act spoiled. When she does that, she is very cute. Any Wei Xian, … a pretty, cute and shy girl.They’ve added a lot of joy to our family.
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